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9 Comments on “Showtime!”

  1. pietro Says:

    Oooohh, Tom!

    Ripping off, oops, sorry … typo … that’s riffing off the great Al Hirschfeld! Are you going to add ‘click to enlarge’ so we can find the ‘flipper’ embedded in the crosshatching of his sleeve ?

  2. pietro Says:

    To continue the Broadway meme (and with apologies to Cole Porter,)

    Another job that you hope, at last,
    Will make your future forget your past,
    Another pain where the ulcers grow,
    Another op’nin’ of another show.

    The overture is about to start,
    You cross your fingers and hold your heart,
    It’s curtain time and away we go!
    Another op’nin’ of another show.

  3. tomspage Says:

    As a kid my parent’s took me to plays on Broadway and a couple of times we went to Sardi’s. As you likely know Hirschfeld’s drawings line the walls there.

    I have always loved his work and just seeing them reminds me of very good times with my parents.

    You show your knowledge regarding the fact that he used his daughter’s name, Nina embedded in all of his work! But no, there is no “flipper” in my “riff off”. I feel that it’s time to move past that now and judge our new mayor on how he performs on the dais.

  4. Lynn Says:

    Tell it to the dolphins!

    • tomspage Says:

      So nice of you to post a comment at my blog Lynn.

      Oddly enough I often get my comments at your blog rejected, even though they meet your posted criteria.

  5. Mike Says:

    Don’t worry Lynn the dolphins will be o.k. I just saw a bunch of them 50 yards off shore Sunday and nobody was bothering them. Lake Worth’s going to be o.k. too especially since your buddy’s going to remain an observer.

  6. kalinka Says:

    I used to LOVE finding the NINAs when i was a kid!

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